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Beberapa Jenis Batu Alam di Indonesia

Batu Pasir ( Sandstone)
Batu pasir ini mampu memberikan nuansa yang hangat dan lembut. Beberapa jenis batu pasir ini diantaranya, Batu Palimanan ( Bobos, Jampang, Cacing, dll) .
Cocok untuk Interior dan Exterior, namun penempatan dan pola pemasangan harus tetap diperhatikan.

Batu Hijau ( Green Stone/ Glauconite Stone)
Jenis batu Hijau ini sering digunakan sebagai material pendukung untuk kolam ikan, kolam renang dan beberapa tebing-tebingan. Batu Sukabumi merupakan salah satu contoh batu hijau.

Bali Green ( Tuff Breccia)
Bali green adalah salah satu Batu yang sangat unik. Di dalam permukaan batu ini terdapat kumpulan corak batu kecil-kecil dan besar. Ada warna Hijau, hijau lumut, hijau tua, coklat, biru dan Abu-abu. Cocok untuk Tembok dan Lantai Interior maupun exterior. Namun harus tetap memperhatikan komposisinya, atau bisa juga di kombinasikan dengan jenis batu lain.

Batu Jogja ( Limestone)
Batu Jogja ini memiliki warna putih yang sangat bersih, sehingga mampu memberikan nuansa yang lembut. Cocok untuk Interior dan Exterior. Penggunaan batu ini bisa di kombinasikan dengan jenis batu lain, seperti Batu Andesit ( Abu-abu terang, abu-abu gelap atau hijau) , Batu Candi ( hitam) , Batu Tasik ( pink) , batu Candi Cirebon ( coklat) , Pacitoroso ( Orange) atau Javaroso ( merah) .

Marmer ( Marble)
Marmer ada yang berwarna putih, krem dan hitam. Marmer cocok untuk dinding luar, dinding dalam maupun lantai. Dan dapat pula dijadikan dinding pagar luar, namun harus dengan ukuran yang kecil-kecil seperti 5 x 20, agar terkesan luas namun tetap terlihat mewah dan unik.

Batu Candi ( Basalt)
Jenis batu ini cocok untuk pemakaian Exterior. Kalau Batu candi Bali, kebanyakan digunakan untuk membuat pura traditional Hindu, Bali. Batu ini memiliki warna yang hitam bila basah, namun bila sudah kering akan berwarna abu-abu. Lebih baik setelah dipasang langsung di coating.

Batu Andesit ( Andesite)
Andesit memiliki warna yang beragam, seperti Andesit Cirebon memiliki abu-abu gelap dan terang dan ada yang bintik serta polos. Untuk Andesit Tulungagung memiliki tiga warna yaitu, hitam, abu-abu dan hijau. Sedangkan Andesit Pemalang memiliki warna abu-abu kecoklatan. Cocok di gunakan untuk semua fungsi dan fasilitas lainnya, baik Interior maupun Exterior.

Batu Fosil
Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang banyak tersedia Batu fosil. Yang tua bisa digunakan untuk meja washtable dan Interior accesoris. Juga sebagai center point untuk area luar rumah, seperti teras depan atau halaman santai belakang rumah.

Batu Ukir, untuk Relief atau Patung
Tersedia juga batu pahat, seperti Batu Candi, Batu Paras Jogja, dan Batu Pawon/ Paras Bali. Batu ini dapat dibentuk sesuai dengan gambar yang anda senangi.


Batu Koral 
Batu Koral Pancawarna ( Lima macam warna, memiliki diameter kurang dari 0.5 cm)
Bali Clay ( warna telur asin bintik-bintik, memiliki diameter lebih dari 3 cm)

Hitam Alor ( warna hitam pekat, memiliki diameter dari 1 cm – 5 cm)

Hitam Bengkulu ( warna hitam kehijauan, memiliki diameter dari 1 cm – 5 cm)

Putih Ambon ( warna putih mengkilat, memiliki diameter dari 1 cm – 5 cm)

Putih Kupang ( bentuk pipih, warna putih bersih, memiliki diameter dari 1 cm – 5 cm)

Hijau Kupang ( bentuk pipih, warna hijau muda, memiliki diameter dari 1 cm – 5 cm)

Merah Flores ( warna merah, memiliki diameter dari 1 cm – 5 cm)

Abu-abu Lampung ( warna hitam keabuan, memiliki diameter dari 1 cm – 5 cm)

Price List Karawang

Batu Palimanan Putih/ Kuning ( RTM) Rata Mesin, berkisar Rp.80.000/ m2 – Rp.110.000/ m2
Batu Candi Hitam ( RTM) , berkisar Rp.85.000/ m2 – Rp.140.000/ m2
Batu Candi Pink/ Tasik ( RTM) , berkisar Rp.75.000/ m2 – Rp.100.000/ m2
Batu Candi Coklat/ Cirebon ( RTM) , berkisar Rp.130.000/ m2 – Rp.145.000/ m2
Batu Templek Abu-abu, Hitam, Coklat dan Super, berkisar Rp.45.000/ m2 – Rp.100.000/ m2
Batu Sukabumi ( Hijau dan Krem) ( RTM) , berkisar Rp.85.000/ m2 – Rp.145.000/ m2
Batu Paras Jogja Super Putih, berkisar Rp.85.000/ m2 – Rp.140.000/ m2
Batu Paras Bali/ Pawon ( Abu-abu terang) , berkisar Rp.85.000/ m2 – Rp.140.000/ m2
Batu Andesit ( Hitam, Hijau dan Abu-abu) , berkisar Rp.100.000/ m2 – Rp.150.000/ m2
Batu Bali Green, berkisar Rp.115.000/ m2 – Rp.150.000/ m2
Batu Hijau Toska, berkisar Rp.120.000/ m2 – Rp.150.000/ m2
Batu Pacitorosso ( Orange) , berkisar Rp.115.000/ m2 – Rp.150.000/ m2
Batu Javarosso ( Merah) , berkisar Rp.120.000/ m2 – Rp.160.000/ m2
Batu Granit ( Hitam dan Hijau) , berkisar Rp.250.000/ m2 – Rp.350.000/ m2

Price list KORAL

Batu Koral Pancawarna Rp.35.000/ 10kg
Bali Clay Rp.45.000/ 10kg
Hitam Alor Rp.35.000/ 10kg
Hitam Bengkulu Rp.35.000/ 10kg
Putih Ambon Rp.40.000/ 10kg
Putih Kupang Rp.35.000/ 10kg
Hijau Kupang Rp.40.000/ 10kg
Merah Flores Rp.35.000/ 10kg
Hijau Flores Rp.40.000/10kg
Batu Sumbawa Rp. 40.000/10kg
Mix Cream Rp.35.000/10kg
Abu-abu Lampung Rp.35.000/ 10kg
Putih Itali Rp.60000/10kg

Harga Distributor Jumlah Besar (minimal 100 m2)

1. Batu Kuning ( palimanan )
Jenis RTA ukuran 10 cm X 20 cm harga Rp. 70.000/ m2
15 cm X 30 cm harga Rp. 80.000/ m2
20 cm X 40 cm harga Rp. 85.000/ m2
20 cm X 20 cm harga Rp. 80.000/ m2
15 cm X 15 cm harga Rp. 65.000/ m2

Jenis RTM ukuran 10 cm X 20 cm harga Rp. 70.000/m2
15 cm X 15 cm harga Rp. 70.000/m2
15 cm X 30 cm harga Rp. 80.000/m2
20 cm X 20 cm harga Rp. 80.000/m2
20 cm X 40 cm harga RP 85.000/ m2

2. Batu Andesite Jenis RTA
5 cm X 20 cm harga Rp. 70.000/ m2
5 cm X 30 cm harga Rp. 85.000/ m2

10 cm X 20 cm harga Rp. 70.000/ m2
15 cm X 30 cm harga Rp. 80.000/ m2
20 cm X 40 cm harga Rp. 85.000/ m2
20 cm X 20 cm harga Rp. 80.000/ m2
15 cm X 15 cm harga Rp. 65.000/ m2

3. Jenis Andesite Polos Beralur/Motif Pahat
ukuran 10 cm X 20 cm harga Rp. 85.000/m2
ukuran 15 cm X 15 cm harga Rp. 90.000/m2
ukuran 10 cm X 30 cm harga Rp. 90.000/m2
ukuran 15 cm X 30 cm harga Rp. 110.000/m2
ukuran 20 cm X 20 cm harga Rp. 115.000/m2
ukuran 20 cm X 40 cm harga Rp. 120.000/m2

4. Jenis Andesite Berbintik dan Beralur/Motif Pahat
ukuran 10 cm X 20 cm harga Rp. 95.000/m2
ukuran 15 cm X 15 cm harga Rp. 100.000/m2
ukuran 10 cm X 30 cm harga Rp. 100.000/m2
ukuran 15 cm X 30 cm harga Rp. 125.000/m2
ukuran 20 cm X 20 cm harga Rp. 130.000/m2

5. Jenis Andesite Sunsiri
ukuran 3 cm X 20 cm harga Rp. 80.000/m2
ukuran 3 cm X 30 cm harga Rp. 85.000/m2
ukuran 3 cm X 40 cm harga Rp. 90.000/m2


untuk dinding Rp. 65.000/m2
untuk pilar/pagar Rp. 85.000/m2
Taman Rp.150.000/m2
Tebing Rp. 150.000/m2
Koral sikat Rp. 150.000/m2
Kolam Balian Rp. 250.000/m2

Harga tersebut adalah harga ditempat belum termasuk ongkos kirim. ( tergantung ukuran) , kemas dan pengiriman permeter.
Kami siap dalam jumlah yang banyak ( 1500m2) dan kami siap menerima ukuran yang berbeda.
Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.

Sanggar Seni Batu Alam : 0857 8082 3003

Untuk lihat contoh batu dan pemasangan bisa download di Arsip blog.

Price of Natural Stone & Installation
Prices of natural stone in each region is different, this is due to the type of natural stone in each region also has the style and motifs that vary as well. In addition, the price of natural stone there is some sort of starting price of the manufacturer, distributor price, until the base price. Surely the highest price is the price of natural stone from base to final consumers and the lowest price is the price of natural stone manufacturer.

Although the price of natural stone from the manufacturer is the cheapest, but not all consumers can buy directly to the manufacturer. This is because not all consumers are located near natural stone manufacturer, if consumers are located far from natural stone manufacturer and want to buy at factory prices would have to calculate the cost of transportation issued. Also manufacturer of natural stone is usually only accept orders in bulk about one truck or approximately 150 sq. m for the size of a standard thick.

Prices of natural stone and the price of natural stone cirebon karawang definitely different. This is influenced by several factors, including factors of transportation, rent, living expenses, and others. So naturally, if the price of natural stone in karawang is more expensive when compared to prices in Cirebon. Although usually more expensive natural stones that are traded in karawang are a quality natural stone, because it is the result of choice or a sort of natural stone manufacturer. It also ready stock of goods so that consumers are free to choose the desired natural stone both in large and small quantities.

Natural Stone Art Studio is a manufacturer and distributor includes a distributor base that can provide various types of natural stone from Indonesia that can be used as supporting material for your project. Not only for the Project in Indonesia alone, outside of any country we can help to support the needs of these materials. Types of natural stone in Indonesia is very diverse types, such as Marble, Andesite, Zeolite, Sandstone, Limestone, Basalt, Tuff Breccia, and so forth. For each type of natural stone has a character and a different shape, so it's good to consult first on what and where the use of natural stone. In order for the Project you are able to provide a more unique and thus has optimal function.

Some Types of Natural Stone in Indonesia

Sand Stone (Sandstone)
Sandstone is able to give the feel of a warm and gentle. Several types of sandstone of which this, Stone Palimanan (Bobos, Jampang, worms, etc.).
Suitable for Interior and Exterior, but the placement and installation patterns should still be noted.

Batu Hijau (Green Stone / Stone Glauconite)
This type of green stone is often used as supporting material for fish ponds, swimming pools and several cliff-tebingan. Sukabumi Stone is one example of a green stone.

Bali Green (Tuff Breccia)
Bali is one of the green stone that is very unique. On the surface there is a collection of shades of this stone into small stones and large. There is the color green, moss green, dark green, brown, blue and gray. Suitable for Wall and Floor Interior or exterior. But it must still consider the composition, or can be combined with another type of stone.

Jogja Stone (Limestone)
Jogja Stone has a very clean white color, so as to provide a soft feel. Suitable for Interior and Exterior. The use of this stone can be combined with other rock types, such as Stone Andesite (light gray, dark gray or green), Stone Temple (black), Tasik Stone (pink), stone temple Cirebon (brown), Pacitoroso (Orange ) or Javaroso (red).

Marble (Marble)
There are white marble, beige and black. Marble is suitable for the outside walls, inside walls and floors. And can also be used as a wall outside the fence, but must be with a small size such as 5 x 20, in order to impress a broad but still look fancy and unique.

Temple Stone (Basalt)
This type of stone is suitable for Exterior use. If the stone temples of Bali, mostly used to make traditional Hindu temple, Bali. This stone has the color black when wet, but when it is dry will be grayed out. Better when mounted directly on the coating.

Andesite Stone (Andesite)
Andesite has a variety of color, such as Cirebon Andesite has a dark gray and light and there are spots as well plain. To Andesite Tulungagung has three colors:, black, gray and green. While Andesite Pemalang have brownish gray color. Suitable for all functions and other facilities, both Interior and Exterior.

Fossil Stone
Indonesia is one country that is widely available fossil stone. That parents can be used for table and Interior accesoris washtable. Also as a center point for the area outside the home, such as relaxing front porch or yard behind the house.

Stone Carving, for the Relief or the Statue
There are also stone carving, like stone temple, Paras Jogja Stone, and Stone Pawon / Paras Bali. This stone can be formed in accordance with the image you like.

Coral Stone
Coral Stone PANCAWARNA (Five kinds of color, has a diameter of less than 0.5 cm)
Bali Clay (salted egg color spots, has a diameter of more than 3 cm)
Alor Black (deep black color, has a diameter of 1 cm - 5 cm)
Black Bengkulu (greenish black color, has a diameter of 1 cm - 5 cm)
Ambon White (shiny white color, has a diameter of 1 cm - 5 cm)
White Kupang (flat shape, clean white color, has a diameter of 1 cm - 5 cm)
Green Kupang (flat shape, light green color, has a diameter of 1 cm - 5 cm)
Flores red (red color, has a diameter of 1 cm - 5 cm)
Lampung gray (black and gray, has a diameter of 1 cm - 5 cm)

Price List Falkirk

Palimanan Stone White / Yellow (RTM) Mean Machine, ranging Rp.80.000 / m2 - Rp.110.000 / m2
Stone Temple Black (RTM), ranging Rp.85.000 / m2 - Rp.140.000 / m2
Stone Temple Pink / Tasik (RTM), ranging Rp.75.000 / m 2 - 100,000 / m2
Stone Temple Brown / Cirebon (RTM), ranging Rp.130.000 / m2 - Rp.145.000 / m2
Templek Stone Grey, Black, Brown and Super, ranging Rp.45.000 / m 2 - 100,000 / m2
Sukabumi Stone (Green and Cream) (RTM), ranging Rp.85.000 / m2 - Rp.145.000 / m2
Super White Paras Jogja Stone, ranging Rp.85.000 / m2 - Rp.140.000 / m2
Paras Bali Stone / Pawon (light gray), ranging Rp.85.000 / m2 - Rp.140.000 / m2
Andesite Stone (Black, Green and Gray), ranging from Rp 100,000 / m2 - 150,000 / m2
Bali Green Stone, ranging Rp.115.000 / m 2 - 150,000 / m2
Batu Hijau toska, ranging Rp.120.000 / m 2 - 150,000 / m2
Stone Pacitorosso (Orange), ranging Rp.115.000 / m 2 - 150,000 / m2
Stone Javarosso (Red), ranging Rp.120.000 / m2 - Rp.160.000 / m2
Granite Stone (Black and Green), ranging Rp.250.000 / m2 - Rp.350.000 / m2

Distributor Bulk pricing (at least 100 m2)
1. Yellow Stone (Palimanan)
RTA type of size 10 cm x 20 cm Rp. 70,000 / m2
15 cm x 30 cm Rp. 80,000 / m2
20 cm x 40 cm Rp. 85,000 / m2
20 cm x 20 cm Rp. 80,000 / m2
15 cm x 15 cm Rp. 65,000 / m2

Type RTM size 10 cm x 20 cm Rp. 70.000/m2
15 cm x 15 cm Rp. 70.000/m2
15 cm x 30 cm Rp. 80.000/m2
20 cm x 20 cm Rp. 80.000/m2
20 cm x 40 cm RP price of 85,000 / m2

2. Andesite Stone Type RTA
5 cm x 20 cm Rp. 70,000 / m2
5 cm x 30 cm Rp. 85,000 / m2

10 cm x 20 cm Rp. 70,000 / m2
15 cm x 30 cm Rp. 80,000 / m2
20 cm x 40 cm Rp. 85,000 / m2
20 cm x 20 cm Rp. 80,000 / m2
15 cm x 15 cm Rp. 65,000 / m2

3. Andesite Type Plain grooved / Motif Wallets
size 10 cm x 20 cm Rp. 85.000/m2
size 15 cm x 15 cm Rp. 90.000/m2
size 10 cm x 30 cm Rp. 90.000/m2
size 15 cm x 30 cm Rp. 110.000/m2
size 20 cm x 20 cm Rp. 115.000/m2
size 20 cm x 40 cm Rp. 120.000/m2

4. Andesite Type Spotted and grooved / Motif Wallets
size 10 cm x 20 cm Rp. 95.000/m2
size 15 cm x 15 cm Rp. 100.000/m2
size 10 cm x 30 cm Rp. 100.000/m2
size 15 cm x 30 cm Rp. 125.000/m2
size 20 cm x 20 cm Rp. 130.000/m2

5. Andesite Type Sunsiri
size 3 cm x 20 cm Rp. 80.000/m2
size 3 cm x 30 cm Rp. 85.000/m2
size 3 cm X 40 cm Rp. 90.000/m2


for wall Rp. 65.000/m2
for pillars / fence Rp. 85.000/m2
Park Rp.150.000/m2
Cliff Rp. 150.000/m2
Coral brush Rp. 150.000/m2
Swimming Balian Rp. 250.000/m2

This price is the price the place does not include postage. (Depending on size), pack and dispatch permeter.
We are prepared in large quantities (1500m2) and we are ready to accept different sizes.
Prices may change at any time without prior notice.

Natural Stone Art Gallery: 0857 8082 3003

To see examples of stone and installation can be downloaded on the blog archive.